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Website promotion from scratch

Website promotion from scratch

Date of publication: 03.02.2018

Website promotion from scratch

Web site promotion is worth

Now many  a rumor about authoring markup. It helps to establish the relationship between publications and the author's profile in Google +. Using Google's authoring markup, you can add your photo to the results of the search issue. You probably already saw this and you had a question, how it is possible. Promotion of the site, it is worth noting is not standing still. And all because of the tag “rel= author”. Of course, your picture beside your blog post will not enhance the position in the results, but clicks will be more, and hence transitions. Photo helps to establish personal contact, as strange as it may sound. Noted that the author's markup increases the number of clicks from 30 to 150 percent. For the consolidation of an content need to register to Google , recommend you to choose an email address that will evoke a personal blog. On their website go to the "About you" and post a link to a Google account . The link is fixed in the final part of the description. Google writing without using quotation marks. At the end of the address on the profile Google put the tag “rel= author”.

Site promotion order

How to confirm your authorship in a guest post on Google?

First, we open a profile on the service, leaving a link to the content that has already been published. At the same time, in your content, you must refer back to yourself (back link for verification). There are three options for how to specify authorship:

• Three-link.

• Two-link.

• Using your mailbox.

Three-link is the simplest option. We want to note that the promotion of the site, you can order on our website. We refer to all pages with your articles through the "Information about the author", and from this page we set the link to the Google account +.

With the two-link method, there is no reference to the personal author page. Under each publication place a small description of the author. In this case, leave a link to Google + profile, and there already is the address of the site where the articles are posted.


Website promotion from scratch

Method and use of the mailbox is suitable for those who can not leave information about yourself on the page where the content is. Therefore, the author, subscribing, must leave the address of the mail, but with the domain where the articles are posted. Then the address of the mailbox you need to register and confirm the profile Google+ .

Read also the article "website promotion from scratch." How to add author markup on the entire website? In the case of sole authorship, you need to embed the tag rel=“author” in the body links to your Google account or in the code of your web resource. If there are several authors, then you have to put the authors ' names in the anchor text for each article. Note that a personal photo next to the snippet – this is just a way to attract readers, the position in the search engines this does not change, but looks nice. By the way, any idea what the markup author (Author Rank) may soon include in priiskovyy ranking, so this is the future. You should think about using this method.
