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Website promotion in search engines

Website promotion in search engines

Date of publication: 15.01.2018

Website promotion in search engines

Website promotion in search engines

Search traffic for the site can be very significant, and all because the search engines currently actively used by more than 95 percent of Internet users worldwide. But how to guide on website search traffic? What is website promotion in search engines? First, looking for something, say, in the search engine Google, we type a particular query in a dedicated search box of the search engine. Then we are given results which in the opinion of a pretty smart search engine robots are the most useful for us. That is, in the first place out the most relevant sites in relation to the request. In addition to sites relevant to the query page, search engines and so-called contextual ads, which are very similar to the results themselves.


Website promotion optimization seo

Thus, it appears that the website promotion, optimization, seo search engine can occur in two ways: by launching an advertising campaign with the help of context and using improve the relevance of pages by search engine optimization. To start an advertising campaign in Google AdWords, you need to determine considerable for that budget, especially if we are talking about how to put ads on pages highly requested queries. At the same time, the advantage of such a promotion is that of the search results your ad will appear almost immediately after you set up and start advertising campaign.


Site promotion search engines

Search engine optimization – the process is much more complex, and the results from it will be possible to wait a few weeks or even months. Moreover, there are not so many specialists that the modern algorithms of famous search engines and high competition by many requests will be able to raise the site on high positions. But here I want to note that the effect of a successful search engine optimization can last for years, and contextual advertising will cease to work immediately after you finish the campaign. Website promotion search engines Google, Yandex is something webmasters have always paid special attention. Search traffic, if you choose the right keywords and phrases for optimization, or for contextual advertising in the search engine, can be targeted, and therefore very useful for the project.

