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Creation of the official website

Creation of the official website

Date of publication: 24.02.2018

Creation of the official website

Creation of the official website

Today, almost every company that knows what the Internet is, wants to have its virtual office web site or at least to place an advertisement or press release about your company. And then there is a problem that is not easy to solve. What is the best way to do it - hire a specialist, contact a design firm or do everything independently? First of all you must determine for yourself what you need. Of course, the phrase "creation of the official website" it sounds presentable. But that it should be how to do? Think about what audience you are targeting on young, Mature people, rich or poor. Of course, for very young and very old people to make a commercial site is unprofitable, since we have little youth, and there are practically no old people, and both categories are not particularly solvency. Among Mature people can distinguish several categories of profession, interests, Hobbies, etc. You want your website to be interesting for all or specialized? After all, this will depend on the development of the website and the advertising strategy.

Corporate web site

What you want to convey to the user what sections will be on the website? Do not forget that the Internet is full of many websites that offer huge amount of different information. Find those that are similar to your topic, think what you like about them and what does not. What, in your opinion, need to change, tweak, add. Take into account that your corporate web site should differ from the mass of others. Think about how to do it – low prices, product selection, quality of service, interesting and unique information or service, for example, the qualitative registration  to directories. So, the subject, content and audience are selected, then you need to decide who will be engaged in its development. It all depends on the complexity of the site and, equally important, your financial capabilities. It is worth remembering that your website is the face of the company.


Corporate web site

You will make your own website. Then you need to learn to understand the language of HTML and work with the editor of the hypertext pages. In addition, you must be able to work in the programs Corel Draw and Photoshop. In order to study them, use search engines and look for them a guide for working with these programs. The most important advantage of self-development of the site is to save money. However, whether it is quality, it depends on you. You can hire a few specialists. После того, как сайт уже будет готов, вы должны позаботиться о его продвижении. As a rule, is a designer, programmer and webmaster that are high quality will make for You a corporate web site. This option does not differ from the order from the design studio, but it will be much cheaper. You can order the creation of the site from the design studio. Just do not forget that the design studios will have to pay very expensive, because at whole group of specialists will work on your project, whiching will develop the site qualitatively and professionally. But on which option to a stop - the choice is yours. Once the website is complete, you must take care of promoting it.
